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Study Resources

Bible Studies/Media Resources

Amazing Discoveries - Amazing Discoveries™ is committed to exposing deception in the spiritual realm and restoring the truth about God and His Word through the proclamation of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12.

Amazing Facts - You can study the Bible, order powerful Christian resources, stream video and audio, and read inspiring articles and books absolutely free.

Isaiah Ministries - Eric and Sarah Wilson have heeded their call and embarked on a ministry to share the truth of the gospel, the dangers of the martial arts, and much more!

Little Light Studios - Little Light Studios creates amazing, Christ-inspired, innovative experiences for young people.



EGW Devotionals - Read devotionals from the writings of one of the most-well known pioneers of the Adventist Church, Ellen G. White.

Revival and Reformation - The official devotional of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.


Sabbath School Lessons

Adult Bible Study Guide - This Bible Study Guide is rigorously prepared to provide a simple, Bible-based experience that draws on personal experiences, current events, and Bible-based lessons to assist in the development of Christian character and prepare students for the coming of Jesus.

Collegiate Quarterly(CQ) - CQ is a devotional Bible-study guide for young adults, ages 18–35, based on the same topics as the Adult Bible Study Guide. Each lesson (even the illustrations!) is produced by seven different young adults around the world.

Cornerstone Connections -  Cornerstone Connections is a four-year “through-the-Bible” study curriculum for high school teens. Each Bible-based lesson provides questions for deeper study, highlights biblical principles, and helps teens draw out lessons for personal application.  

GraceLink - GraceLink is a curriculum of Sabbath School lessons for children from birth to 12 years old. Each lesson is Bible-based, supported by Spirit of Prophecy, educationally sound, and designed to develop the four dynamics of the series: grace, worship community, and service.